0:000> g ======================================= VERIFIER STOP 00000350: pid 0x1D4C: Unloading DLL that allocated TLS index that was not freed. 003DABBA : TLS index 5F06FE92 : Address of the code that allocated this TLS index. 063C2FE0 : DLL name address. Use du to dump it. 5F060000 : DLL base address. ======================================= This verifier stop is continuable. After debugging it use `go' to continue. ======================================= (1d4c.4b8c): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance) eax=715f03a0 ebx=00000000 ecx=000001a1 edx=00bcf191 esi=71574ae8 edi=003dabba eip=715e3ae8 esp=00bcf474 ebp=00bcf688 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200202 vrfcore!VerifierStopMessageEx+0x5b8: 715e3ae8 cc int 3 0:000> du 063C2FE0 063c2fe0 "dlnashext.dll" 0:000> .reload dlnashext.dll=5F060000 0:000> u 5F06FE92 dlnashext+0xfe92: 5f06fe92 a3c8ba095f mov dword ptr [dlnashext!WorkThreadManager::s_floodCheckPeriod+0x4 (5f09bac8)],eax 5f06fe97 83f8ff cmp eax,0FFFFFFFFh 5f06fe9a 7537 jne dlnashext!wil::init_once_nothrow< >+0x85 (5f06fed3) 5f06fe9c 8b4d04 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+4] 5f06fe9f be0e000780 mov esi,8007000Eh 5f06fea4 56 push esi 5f06fea5 68145b065f push offset dlnashext!`string' (5f065b14) 5f06feaa 6a6e push 6Eh