2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] {"operation":"CheckpointAsync","partitionContext":{"partitionId":"3","owner":"4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9","eventHubPath":"hyperfy"},"lease":{"offset":"124581917520","sequenceNumber":"1064255"},"runtimeInformation":{}} 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Completed dispatching events to the processing handler for partition '3' by processor instance with identifier '4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9' for Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: function, and Operation Id: 'bf7ebc80-ed3c-4944-b122-d1cfa02970db'. Duration: '0.06' seconds. 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Information] Receiving events for Event Hub: hyperfy (Consumer Group: 'function', Partition Id: '3'); Operation Id: '9db935ae-9df7-416a-8cea-e088401963e6'. 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Received request to drain the host 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Information] DrainMode mode enabled 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Information] Calling StopAsync on the registered listeners 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Information] Stopping the listener 'Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.EventHubs.Listeners.EventHubListener' for function 'eventHubTrigger' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Information] The event processor instance with identifier '4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9' for Event Hub: hyperfy and Consumer Group: function is beginning to shut down. 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an EventHubConnection (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier 'iothub-ns-hyperfy-25247168-31ba7d53bc.servicebus.windows.net'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an AmqpClient (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '24772852'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'RequestResponseAmqpLink' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: , and partition: . Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'RequestResponseAmqpLink' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: , and partition: . Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'AmqpConnection' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: , and partition: . Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AmqpClient has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '24772852'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An EventHubConnection has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier 'iothub-ns-hyperfy-25247168-31ba7d53bc.servicebus.windows.net'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Information] Completed receiving events for Event Hub: hyperfy (Consumer Group: 'function', Partition Id: '1'); Operation Id: 'ff353120-8d1b-47e7-b818-7b5e047e4161'. Service Retry Count: 1; Event Count: 0; Duration: '40.40' seconds 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an AmqpConsumer (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '38437588'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'AmqpConnection' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: , and partition: . Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'ReceivingAmqpLink' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: function, and partition: 1. Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AmqpConsumer has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '38437588'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an EventHubConnection (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier 'iothub-ns-hyperfy-25247168-31ba7d53bc.servicebus.windows.net'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an AmqpClient (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '31458196'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'AmqpConnection' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: , and partition: . Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AmqpClient has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '31458196'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An EventHubConnection has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier 'iothub-ns-hyperfy-25247168-31ba7d53bc.servicebus.windows.net'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Information] Completed receiving events for Event Hub: hyperfy (Consumer Group: 'function', Partition Id: '3'); Operation Id: '9db935ae-9df7-416a-8cea-e088401963e6'. Service Retry Count: 1; Event Count: 0; Duration: '0.58' seconds 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an AmqpConsumer (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '14805573'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'ReceivingAmqpLink' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: function, and partition: 1. Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'ReceivingAmqpLink' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: function, and partition: 3. Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AmqpConsumer has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '14805573'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an EventHubConnection (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier 'iothub-ns-hyperfy-25247168-31ba7d53bc.servicebus.windows.net'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an AmqpClient (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '15097600'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'AmqpConnection' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: , and partition: . Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'AmqpConnection' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: , and partition: . Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AmqpClient has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '15097600'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An EventHubConnection has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier 'iothub-ns-hyperfy-25247168-31ba7d53bc.servicebus.windows.net'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'ReceivingAmqpLink' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: function, and partition: 3. Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Information] Completed receiving events for Event Hub: hyperfy (Consumer Group: 'function', Partition Id: '0'); Operation Id: '31d62374-11d8-4064-ae43-f930c063f681'. Service Retry Count: 1; Event Count: 0; Duration: '40.41' seconds 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an AmqpConsumer (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '55105318'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'ReceivingAmqpLink' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: function, and partition: 0. Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AmqpConsumer has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '55105318'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'AmqpConnection' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: , and partition: . Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an EventHubConnection (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier 'iothub-ns-hyperfy-25247168-31ba7d53bc.servicebus.windows.net'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an AmqpClient (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '33235872'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'ReceivingAmqpLink' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: function, and partition: 0. Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'AmqpConnection' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: , and partition: . Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AmqpClient has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '33235872'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An EventHubConnection has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier 'iothub-ns-hyperfy-25247168-31ba7d53bc.servicebus.windows.net'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Information] Completed receiving events for Event Hub: hyperfy (Consumer Group: 'function', Partition Id: '2'); Operation Id: 'fae939d1-4147-481e-b8f9-d972891c85c0'. Service Retry Count: 1; Event Count: 0; Duration: '10.49' seconds 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an AmqpConsumer (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '57020704'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'ReceivingAmqpLink' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: function, and partition: 2. Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AmqpConsumer has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '57020704'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an EventHubConnection (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier 'iothub-ns-hyperfy-25247168-31ba7d53bc.servicebus.windows.net'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Closing an AmqpClient (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '27208286'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'AmqpConnection' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: , and partition: . Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'ReceivingAmqpLink' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: function, and partition: 2. Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'AmqpConnection' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: , and partition: . Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AmqpClient has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier '27208286'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An EventHubConnection has been closed (EventHub 'hyperfy'; Identifier 'iothub-ns-hyperfy-25247168-31ba7d53bc.servicebus.windows.net'). 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Stopping processing for partition '1' by processor instance with identifier '4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9' for Event Hub: hyperfy and Consumer Group: function. 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] An AMQP object of type 'AmqpConnection' was closed by the fault tolerant manager for client: '', Event Hub: hyperfy, Consumer Group: , and partition: . Terminal error message: '' 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] {"operation":"CloseAsync, Shutdown","partitionContext":{"partitionId":"1","owner":"4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9","eventHubPath":"hyperfy"},"runtimeInformation":{}} 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Completed stopping processing for partition '1' by processor instance with identifier '4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9' for Event Hub: hyperfy and Consumer Group: function. 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Stopping processing for partition '2' by processor instance with identifier '4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9' for Event Hub: hyperfy and Consumer Group: function. 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] {"operation":"CloseAsync, Shutdown","partitionContext":{"partitionId":"2","owner":"4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9","eventHubPath":"hyperfy"},"runtimeInformation":{}} 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Completed stopping processing for partition '2' by processor instance with identifier '4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9' for Event Hub: hyperfy and Consumer Group: function. 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Stopping processing for partition '0' by processor instance with identifier '4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9' for Event Hub: hyperfy and Consumer Group: function. 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] {"operation":"CloseAsync, Shutdown","partitionContext":{"partitionId":"0","owner":"4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9","eventHubPath":"hyperfy"},"runtimeInformation":{}} 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Completed stopping processing for partition '0' by processor instance with identifier '4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9' for Event Hub: hyperfy and Consumer Group: function. 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Stopping processing for partition '3' by processor instance with identifier '4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9' for Event Hub: hyperfy and Consumer Group: function. 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] {"operation":"CloseAsync, Shutdown","partitionContext":{"partitionId":"3","owner":"4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9","eventHubPath":"hyperfy"},"lease":{"offset":"124581917520","sequenceNumber":"1064255"},"runtimeInformation":{}} 2024-01-12T07:17:20Z [Verbose] Completed stopping processing for partition '3' by processor instance with identifier '4a382729-e11a-4e3e-9e63-934d227728e9' for Event Hub: hyperfy and Consumer Group: function.