;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VwFilter.INF -- NDIS LightWeight Filter Driver ; ; TODO: Search for comments marked "TODO:", and follow their instructions to ; customize this INF for your driver. Then delete the "TODO:" comments. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- [version] ; Do not change these values Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = NetService ClassGUID = {4D36E974-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} ; TODO: Customize this string for your company name Provider = %Vieworks% DriverVer=02/01/2018, CatalogFile = VwFilter.cat ; TODO: Include each architecture for which your driver package contains a ; compiled binary. If you do not supply a driver compiled for ia64, delete the ; NTia64 section. [Manufacturer] %Vieworks%=VIEWORKS,NTx86,NTia64,NTamd64 ; gl_VwFilter can be used with netcfg.exe to install/uninstall the driver. [VIEWORKS.NTx86] %VwFilter_Desc%=Install, gl_VwFilter [VIEWORKS.NTia64] %VwFilter_Desc%=Install, gl_VwFilter [VIEWORKS.NTamd64] %VwFilter_Desc%=Install, gl_VwFilter ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Installation Section ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Install] AddReg=Inst_Ndi ; All LWFs must include the 0x40000 bit (NCF_LW_FILTER). Unlike miniports, you ; don't usually need to customize this value. Characteristics=0x40000 ; This must be a random, unique value. ; FILTER_UNIQUE_NAME in filter.h must match this GUID identically. ; Both should have {curly braces}. NetCfgInstanceId="{6b93da78-e813-40cd-8f49-d037bb812057}" Copyfiles = VwFilter.copyfiles.sys [SourceDisksNames] 1=%VwFilter_Desc%,"",, [SourceDisksFiles] ; TODO: Include any related files that should be installed with your driver. VwFilter.sys=1 [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=12 VwFilter.copyfiles.sys=12 [VwFilter.copyfiles.sys] VwFilter.sys,,,2 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Ndi installation support ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Inst_Ndi] HKR, Ndi,Service,,"VwFilter" HKR, Ndi,CoServices,0x00010000,"VwFilter" HKR, Ndi,HelpText,,%VwFilter_HelpText% ; TODO: Set the FilterClass here. The FilterClass controls the order in which ; filters are bound to the underlying miniport. Possible options include: ; Custom, Diagnostic, Failover, Loadbalance, Vpn, Compression, Encryption, Scheduler ; See MSDN for a description of each. ;HKR, Ndi,FilterClass,, Failover HKR, Ndi,FilterClass,, compression ; TODO: Specify whether you have a Modifying or Monitoring filter. ; For a Monitoring filter, use this: ; HKR, Ndi,FilterType,0x00010001, 1 ; Monitoring filter ; For a Modifying filter, use this: ; HKR, Ndi,FilterType,0x00010001, 2 ; Modifying filter HKR, Ndi,FilterType,0x00010001,2 ; Do not change these values HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,UpperRange,,"noupper" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces,LowerRange,,"nolower" ; TODO: Ensure that the list of media types below is correct. Typically, ; filters include "ethernet". Filters may also include "ppip" to include ; native WWAN stacks, but you must be prepared to handle the packet framing. ; Possible values are listed on MSDN, but common values include: ; ethernet, wan, ppip, wlan HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, FilterMediaTypes,,"ethernet" ; TODO: Specify whether you have a Mandatory or Optional filter. ; For a Mandatory filter, use this: ; HKR, Ndi,FilterRunType,0x00010001, 1 ; Mandatory filter ; For an Optional filter, use this: ; HKR, Ndi,FilterRunType,0x00010001, 2 ; Optional filter ;HKR, Ndi,FilterRunType,0x00010001, 1 ; Mandatory filter HKR, Ndi,FilterRunType,0x00010001, 2 ; Optional filter ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Service installation support ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Install.Services] ; TODO: You may want to add the SPSVCINST_STARTSERVICE flag, like this: ; AddService=VwFilter,0x800,VwFilter_Service_Inst ; SPSVCINST_STARTSERVICE AddService=VwFilter,,VwFilter_Service_Inst [VwFilter_Service_Inst] DisplayName = %VwFilter_Desc% ServiceType = 1 ;SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER ; Typically you will want your filter driver to start with SERVICE_SYSTEM_START. ; If it is an Optional filter, you may also use 3;SERVICE_DEMAND_START. StartType = 1 ;SERVICE_SYSTEM_START ErrorControl = 1 ;SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL ServiceBinary = %12%\VwFilter.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS Description = %VwFilter_Desc% AddReg = Common.Params.reg [Install.Remove.Services] ; The SPSVCINST_STOPSERVICE flag instructs SCM to stop the NT service ; before uninstalling the driver. DelService=VwFilter,0x200 ; SPSVCINST_STOPSERVICE [Common.Params.reg] ; TODO: You can add any sort of NDIS parameters here. Filter drivers ; don't always need NDIS parameters, so it's okay to have nothing here. ; TODO: Remove the sample parameters below. ; Sample 1: "DriverParam" is a per-driver parameter. HKR, FilterDriverParams\DriverParam, ParamDesc, , "Driverparam for lwf" HKR, FilterDriverParams\DriverParam, default, , "5" HKR, FilterDriverParams\DriverParam, type, , "int" ; Sample 2: "AdapterParam" is a per-module parameter. HKR, FilterAdapterParams\AdapterParam, ParamDesc, , "Adapterparam for lwf" HKR, FilterAdapterParams\AdapterParam, default, , "10" HKR, FilterAdapterParams\AdapterParam, type, , "int" [Strings] ; TODO: Customize these strings. Vieworks = "Vieworks" VwFilter_Desc = "Vieworks GigE Filter7" VwFilter_HelpText = "Vieworks GigE Filter7"