param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='The Subscription Ids for all the labs & VMs to check for status, like ("", "")')] [string[]] $SubscriptionIds, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='The name mask for labs, including wildcards - like "WMA*" or "*WMA" ')] [string] $DevTestLabNameMask = "*", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="How many days back to check for 'start' events, the larger number the longer the script takes to run...")] [int] $DaysToCheck = 7, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="If true, output ALL VMs instead of just the ones that haven't been started since DaysToCheck")] [bool] $PrintAllVMs = $true ) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # DTL Module dependency $AzDtlModuleName = "Az.DevTestLabs2.psm1" $AzDtlModuleSource = "" $modulePath = Join-Path -Path (Resolve-Path ./) -ChildPath $AzDtlModuleName if (Test-Path -Path $modulePath) { # if the file exists, delete it - just in case there's a newer version, we always download the latest Remove-Item -Path $modulePath } # Download the powershell module and load it $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile($AzDtlModuleSource, $modulePath) Import-Module $modulePath -Force # ------------------------------------------------------------ # iterate through all the subscriptions foreach ($subId in $SubscriptionIds) { $sub = Select-AzSubscription -Subscription $subId if (-not $sub) { Write-Error "Unable to access Subscription Id '$subId'" } # We track the activity log per resource group - this way we don't have to # requery every time, we use this to cache the results $activityLogs = @{} # Get all the labs & iterate on each one Get-AzDtlLab -Name $DevTestLabNameMask | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "----------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host " Subscription: $subId , DevTest Lab: $($_.Name)" -ForegroundColor Green $vms = Get-AzDtlVm -Lab @{Name = $_.Name; ResourceGroupName = $_.ResourceGroupName} # Foreach VM, let's add a property to the object based on if the VM had 'start' events foreach ($vm in $vms) { # Lab's Resource Group activity log if (-not $activityLogs.ContainsKey($vm.ResourceGroupName)) { # We haven't seen this resource group yet, let's read the activity logs $activityLogs.Add($vm.ResourceGroupName, (Get-AzLog -ResourceGroup $vm.ResourceGroupName -StartTime (Get-Date).AddDays($DaysToCheck * -1) -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -MaxRecord 100000 )) } # Resource group is always the 4th item with an Azure Resource Id $vmRg = $vm.Properties.computeId.Split('/')[4] # VM Compute Resource Group activity log if (-not $activityLogs.ContainsKey($vmRg)) { # We haven't seen this resource group yet, let's read the activity logs $activityLogs.Add($vmRg, (Get-AzLog -ResourceGroup $vmRg -StartTime (Get-Date).AddDays($DaysToCheck * -1) -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -MaxRecord 100000)) } if ($vmRg -ne $vm.ResourceGroupName) { $combinedActivityLogs = & { $activityLogs[$vm.ResourceGroupName] $activityLogs[$vmRg] } } else { $combinedActivityLogs = $activityLogs[$vm.ResourceGroupName] } # See if we have any DTL "Start" events for this VM $lastStartEvent = $combinedActivityLogs | Where-Object { ($_.Authorization.Action -eq "microsoft.devtestlab/labs/virtualmachines/start/action" -and $_.ResourceId -eq $vm.ResourceId) -or ($_.ResourceId -eq $vm.Properties.computeId -and $_.Authorization.Action -eq "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/start/action")} | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = {$_.EventTimestamp}; Descending = $True} | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = {$_.EventTimestamp}; Descending = $True} | Select -First 1 if ($lastStartEvent) { # We found a start event for this VM, let's add the property Add-Member -InputObject $vm.Properties -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LastStartDateUTC -Value $lastStartEvent.EventTimestamp } if ($vm.Properties.AllowClaim) { $owner = "*[ CLAIMABLE ]*" } else { if ($vm.Properties.OwnerUserPrincipalName) { $owner = $vm.Properties.OwnerUserPrincipalName } else { $owner = $vm.Properties.ownerObjectId } } Add-Member -InputObject $vm.Properties -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Owner -Value $owner } if (-not $PrintAllVMs) { $vms = $vms | Where-Object {-not ($_.Properties.LastStartDateUTC -eq $null)} } if ($vms) { $vms | Select-Object ` @{label="Name";expression={$_.Name}}, @{label="Owner";expression={$_.Properties.Owner}}, @{label="ProvisioningState";expression={$_.Properties.provisioningState}}, @{label="PowerState";expression={$_.Properties.lastKnownPowerState}}, @{label="ArtifactStatus";expression={$_.Properties.ArtifactDeploymentStatus.deploymentStatus}}, @{label="LastStartDateUTC";expression={$_.Properties.LastStartDateUTC}} ` | Format-Table } else { Write-Host "$([Environment]::NewLine) No VM details to output in this lab...$([Environment]::NewLine)" } } } # WORKAROUND: Delete the azure context that we saved to disk # Can remove the workaround once this is fixed: if (Test-Path (Join-Path "." "AzContext.json")) { Remove-Item (Join-Path "." "AzContext.json") -Force } # Remove the module just in case so it doesn't conflict with future scripts Remove-Module -Name "Az.DevTesTLabs2" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue