PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> pktmon start help pktmon start [--capture [--counters-only] [--comp ] [--type ] [--pkt-size ] [--flags ]] [--trace --provider [--keywords ] [--level ] ...] [--file-name ] [--file-size ] [--log-mode ] Start packet capture and event collection. Packet Capture -c, --capture Enable packet capture and packet counters. -o, --counters-only Collect packet counters only. No packet logging. --comp { all | nics | id1 id2 ... } Select components to capture packets on. Can be ALL components, NICs only, or a list of component Ids. Default is ALL. --type { all | flow | drop } Select which packets to capture. Default is ALL. --pkt-size Number of bytes to log from each packet. To always log the entire packet set this to 0. Default is 128 bytes. --flags Hexadecimal bitmask that controls information logged during packet capture. Default is 0x012. 0x001 - Internal Packet Monitor errors. 0x002 - Information about components, counters and filters. 0x004 - NET_BUFFER_LIST group source and destination information. 0x008 - Select packet metadata from NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO. 0x010 - Raw packet, truncated to the size from --pkt-size. Event Providers -t, --trace Enable event collection. -p, --provider Event provider name or GUID. For multiple providers, use this parameter more than once. -k, --keywords Hexadecimal bitmask that controls which events are logged for the corresponding provider. Default is 0xFFFFFFFF. -l, --level Logging level for the corresponding provider. Default is 4 (info level). Logging Parameters -f, --file-name Log file name. Default is PktMon.etl. -s, --file-size Maximum log file size in megabytes. Default is 512 MB. -m, --log-mode { circular | multi-file | memory | real-time } Logging mode. Default is circular. circular New events overwrite the oldest ones when the log is full. multi-file No limit on number of captured events, but a new log file is created each time the log is full. memory Like circular, but the entire log is stored in memory. It is written to a file when pktmon is stopped. real-time Display events and packets on screen at real time. No log file is created. Press Ctrl+C to stop monitoring. Example 1: Packet capture pktmon start --capture Example 2: Packet counters only pktmon start --capture --counters-only Example 3: Event logging pktmon start --trace -p Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP -p Microsoft-Windows-NDIS Example 4: Packet capture with event logging pktmon start --capture --trace -p Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP -k 0xFF -l 4