Hi Leon Thanks for your suggestion. I have tried it, but it didnt work. I am on higher version of Xamarin.Forms then My version is Style="{StaticResource MButton}" in Appl.xaml is as follows: I have applied your code to binding of MButtBckColor1: Xamarin.Forms.Color mButtBckColor1 = Xamarin.Forms.Color.White; public Xamarin.Forms.Color MButtBckColor1 { get { return mButtBckColor1; } set { mButtBckColor1 = value ; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(mButtBckColor1)); } } ViewModel code first time round is MText1 = "Color Test"; MButtBckColor1 = Xamarin.Forms.Color.DarkCyan; The way I want App to works is: First screen displays 16 squares (Buttons) with DarkCyan as Background Color: User selects squares and color changes. Eg Sq 1 changes to gray: Then they press a button: ActionCommand is in ViewModel: public ICommand ActionMCommand { get { return new Command(() => { SelectMData(); ResetCellsData(); }); } } ResetCellsData resets the button color to default: public void ResetCellsData() { MButtBckColor1 = Xamarin.Forms.Color.DarkCyan; \\ other Buttons } ResetCellsData gets called and sets the MButtBckColor1 R=0, G=0.545098066329956, B=0.545098066329956, A=1, Hue=0.5, Saturation=1, Luminosity=0.272549033164978 Xamarin.Forms.Color But the MButtBckColor1 does not change when it gets refreshed. It stays Grey.