Rem (c) 2007 Data Management & Warehousing Rem Rem A script to print network information for BGInfo Rem Rem The script takes advantage of the Windows Management Interface (WMI) Rem to acquire the Network Configuration Rem Rem This script is overly commented to allow others as a learning aid. On Error Resume Next Rem Configuration Rem Configuration Declarations Rem Which computer ? - normally . for the localhost Dim strComputer Rem Display Adaptor Name ? Dim blnShowCaption Rem Display the IP address ? Dim blnShowIPAddress Rem Display IPv6 addresses ? Dim blnShowIPv6 Rem Display whether the address is a DHCP Address ? Dim blnShowDHCP Rem Display DHCP Lease expiry ? Dim blnShowDHCPExpire Rem Display the Default Gateway Dim blnShowGateway Rem Display the Default Subnet Dim blnShowSubnet Rem Display the DNS Domain Dim blnShowDNSDomain Rem End of script message Dim strMessage Rem Configuration Values strComputer = "." blnShowCaption = False blnShowIPAddress = True blnShowIPv6 = False blnShowDHCP = False blnShowDHCPExpire = False blnShowGateway = False blnShowSubnet = False blnShowDNSDomain = False Rem Code Block Rem Code Block Declarations Rem Identity of the Windows Management Service Dim objWMIService Rem Items within the Windows Management Service Dim colItems Rem Objects within the Items Rem Full list: Dim objItem Rem Current Record Values of objItems Dim strIPAddress Dim strCaption Dim strDHCP Dim strGateway Rem Code Block Functionality Rem Define source of information Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Rem Define query to get information - IPEnabled restricts the information to active Adaptors Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = TRUE") Rem Get each adaptor from the table For Each objItem In colItems Rem Get each IP address for the adaptor For Each strIPAddress In objItem.IPAddress Rem check to see if it is an IPv6 address and whether we want it If InStr(strIPAddress, "::") = 0 Or blnShowIPv6 Then Rem Set up the correct adaptor name by stringing the first 12 characters and also the MAC address strCaption = fnSubstring(objItem.Caption, 12, 1024) & " (" & objItem.MACAddress & ")" Rem Format DHCP info if required If objItem.DHCPEnabled and blnShowDHCP Then strDHCP = " (DHCP" If blnShowDHCPExpire Then strDHCP = strDHCP & " - Expires: " & fnDisplayDate(objItem.DHCPLeaseExpires) & "; Server: " & objItem.DHCPServer End If strDHCP = strDHCP & ")" Else strDHCP = "" End If Rem Print information Rem Note that any other object from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration can be added here REM Call fnDisplayValue(blnShowCaption,strCaption,"Adaptor",0) Call fnDisplayValue(blnShowIPAddress,strIPAddress + strDHCP,"",.5) REM Call fnDisplayValue(blnShowGateway,objItem.DefaultIPGateway,"Gateway",0) REM Call fnDisplayValue(blnShowSubnet,objItem.IPSubnet(0),"Subnet",0) REM Call fnDisplayValue(blnShowDNSDomain,objItem.DNSDomain,"Domain",0) REM Echo "" End If Next Next Rem print the end of script message Echo strMessage Rem End of Programme Rem Procedures & Functions Rem Display a passed value Rem The parameters are: Rem p_valueLogical - should this value be displayed ? Rem p_valueVar - the value to display Rem p_valueDisplay - the text to Display Rem p_valueTab - the number of tabs needed to align it Sub fnDisplayValue(p_valueLogical, p_valueVar, p_valueDisplay, p_valueTab) Dim strVar If p_valueLogical Then Rem if the value is an array the cycle through each value If IsArray(p_valueVar) Then For Each strVar In p_valueVar Rem if the value is a string then display it, otherwise ignore it If VarType(strVar) = 8 Then Echo p_valueDisplay & "" & String(p_valueTab," ") & strVar End If Next Else strVar = p_valueVar Rem if the value is a string then display it, otherwise ignore it If VarType(strVar) = 8 Then Echo p_valueDisplay & "" & String(p_valueTab," ") & strVar End If End If End If End Sub Rem Function to pull the a substring out from a string Function fnSubstring(p_strData,p_intStart,p_intLength ) Dim intLen intLen = Len(p_strdata) If p_intStart < 1 Or p_intStart > intLen Then fnSubstring = "" Else If p_intLength > intLen - p_intStart + 1 Then p_intLength = intLen - p_intStart + 1 End If fnSubstring = Right(Left(p_strData, p_intStart + p_intLength - 1), p_intLength) End If End Function Rem Function to convert a WMI date stamp into a usable date Function fnDisplayDate(p_strDate) Dim strYear, strMonth, strDay, strHour, strMinute, strSecond strYear = fnSubstring(p_strDate,1,4) strMonth = fnSubstring(p_strDate,5,2) strDay = fnSubstring(p_strDate,7,2) strHour = fnSubstring(p_strDate,9,2) strMinute = fnSubstring(p_strDate,11,2) strSecond = fnSubstring(p_strDate,13,2) fnDisplayDate = cdate(strMonth & "/" & strDay & "/" & strYear & " " & strHour & ":" & strMinute & ":" & strSecond) End Function Rem End of file