**How do I delete a folder using Azure.Storage.Blobs, version="12.4.4"?** When a user in our web application uploads a file (before they click "save" or "cancel"), we store the file in a temporary folder (per session) in our "development" container named "temporary/YYYY-MM-DD/GUID/FileName.ext". When the "Save" or "Cancel" is clicked, for save we copy the file first to the final location, but then we delete all the files in the directory. The last step is remove the directory itself, which is taking 30 seconds and then returning an error 500. The method "GetAzureStorageContainer()" returns a valid container (for development in our case). The "_TempFolderName" has something like "temporary/2020-07-17/f8382-...8374/" in it (no file name attached). I have tried both of these: GetAzureStorageContainer().DeleteBlobIfExists(_TempFolderName, DeleteSnapshotsOption.IncludeSnapshots); GetAzureStorageContainer().DeleteBlobIfExists(_TempFolderName.TrimEnd('/'), DeleteSnapshotsOption.IncludeSnapshots); I have also tried this: BlobClient blob = GetAzureStorageContainer().GetBlobClient(_TempFolderName.TrimEnd('/')); if (blob.Exists()) { blob.Delete(DeleteSnapshotsOption.IncludeSnapshots); } If I use the code with the "Exists()" call, it shows it exists, but the "Delete()" method times out with the error 500. I have tried multiple directory names, I have checked that it is blank in Azure, and I can remove it in Azure without a problem.